8 novembre 2018  19:15 – 19:50
Innovations de l'industrie

Assurer une bonne administration : La technologie au service du citoyen

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

Governments, just like the private sector, are building their futures on digital. But the platforms on which such systems are created matter, and can often mean the difference between widespread success and dangerous obsolescence. If you’re delivering services online, how do you know whether you’re building on solid ground—or a house of cards? True citizen engagement and digital services, by their nature, rely on distributed computing environments. But these environments need a critical set of foundational features to perform properly:

  • Robust security to provide reliable protection to data and end users
  • Powerful management capabilities to mitigate failures and deliver responsive performance
  • Intrinsic flexibility to enable adjustments to changes in workload demands

In recent years, promising technologies like machine learning and AI have been brought to bear to improve these necessary features. But as with the adoption of any emerging technologies, new issues can also arise.  In this session, we’ll take stock of the demands that digital government places on underlying infrastructure, and look at some of the ways emerging technologies can help—or harm—government efforts at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels.

Chief Technology Officer pour les Amériques
VMware Canada
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